1. VCT Resource Library
  2. Fall Risk Assessments

Do you have lost feeling in your feet?

Patient Action: Obtain and use assistive devices as directed and wear proper footwear.

CC Context: If you have lost feeling in your feet, you may not be aware of where your feet are placed on the ground. This can cause you to stumble and fall. Propper footwear can help with this as can using a cane or walker. Choose your footwear wisely. Avoid high heels, floppy slippers, and slick soles. Don’t walk in stocking feet. Wear flat shoes with nonskid soles. Use a long-handled shoehorn if you have trouble putting on your shoes. Keep your shoelaces tied or wear shoes without shoelaces. In some cases insurance will help cover the cost of shoes for medical needs, discuss this with your doctor or care team.

Questions to Ask: Have you been tested for neuropathy? Have you told your doctor or care team that you have lost feeling in your feet? Have you gotten special shoes for this?