Patient Action: Use a cane or walker if needed to help with balance.
CC Context: This is also a sign of poor balance. The patient is at higher risk if there is not a piece of furniture, a wall, or a person right by them to hold on to when they feel unbalanced, especially if it is sudden. For this reason, the patient should always keep a cane or walker by their side. Poor balance can improve when working with a physical therapist to improve strength. Feeling unsteady can be caused by poor balance and weakness but could also be a sign of other medical problems. Be sure the patient has mentioned unsteadiness to their doctor or care team for further evaluation.
Questions to Ask:
- How often do you have to steady yourself by holding on to furniture, a wall, or a person when you walk?
- Have you started interventions to help with this such as using a cane or walker so that you always have assistance by your side?
- Have you started working with a physical therapist?
- Have you mentioned this issue to your doctor or care team?